Grailbox Blog

Reformatting X12 in Vim

I’ve been working with a lot of ANSI X12 files lately. Often, they come to me formatted either as a single line, or as multiple lines with line breaks at 80 columns. They’re much...

Using fzf and oc to rsh into an OpenShift Pod

Getting a remote shell on an OpenShift pod is simple enough; you type: $ oc rsh <pod name> Pod names can be long and complex, however. Here’s an example: mysql-coolapp-5-rg59c Only a luddite would...

Please Don’t Ask Me How I’m Doing

Back in the 1970s, my father and his partner ran a small consulting firm. Their accountant, a man named Morty or Artie or some other name that conjures images of a perm, polyester, and...