Grailbox Blog

Capital NOT

Originally posted 2008-04-28 01:28:26 People are always careful when typing emails. People are now always careful when typing emails. People are not always careful when typing emails. Emailers often both read and write the...

Registering Peek-a-Boo Process Throb

Originally posted 2008-04-22 05:57:05 Last week macZOT offered a discount on an application called Peek-a-Boo Process Throb. I’d never heard of the application, and am not yet sure how often I’ll use it, but...

Safe 0.5 Released

Originally posted 2008-04-09 13:16:31 I just released version 0.5 of Safe, the open-source command-line password management program written in Ruby. This version adds diffing and merging Safe password files. I keep my Safe file...

Programmers as typists and a swing at Perl

Originally posted 2008-11-18 13:51:45 I love Jeff Atwood’s Coding Horror blog. Today he wrote about how important it is for programmer’s to be able to type. Good post. The line I loved, though, was...

FizzBuzz Improved

Originally posted 2008-11-12 13:18:42 In my post on interviewing Java developers, I explain how and why we make prospective hires write code on a whiteboard. In a similar vein, Imran on Tech posts about...

Why Engineers Need Marketing Folks

Originally posted 2008-02-13 10:57:38 YazSoft has just announced version 5 of Speed Download, its download management product for Mac. They charge $25 for this product. The price may or may not seem reasonable to...

I have too much hard drive space!

Originally posted 2008-01-15 05:16:38 By the time people who knew nothing about soldering guns started buying home computers, memory was measured in kilobytes. My first computer, an Atari 400, had 16 kilobytes of RAM,...

RubyJax Inaugural Meeting

Originally posted 2007-11-17 02:37:34 Last Thursday I attended the inaugural meeting of RubyJax, the new Ruby users group in Jacksonville, Florida. I drove straight from work and strode into the meeting wearing a golf...

Fine Engineering

Originally posted 2007-10-10 13:54:07 The rain Florida has received over the past few weeks has revealed some roofing shortcomings. We apparently have a roof leak in the building where I work–I walked into work...

MacBook Pro: One Week Report

Originally posted 2007-10-08 14:10:46 After using the MacBook Pro for a little over a week, I must confess: I miss Outlook. Admittedly, Outlook 2007 has three years on Entourage 2004, but I’m using Outlook...