Grailbox Blog

Bespoke — Custom Tailoring Software

Bespoke: Can you imagine a future where, for a price, a key software tool that you rely on can be bespoke? (Via patrickrhone / journal) Interesting idea–one that would practically be limited to open...

Why tabs are clearly superior | Lea Verou

Why tabs are clearly superior | Lea Verou: “If you follow me on twitter or have heard one of my talks you’ll probably know I despise spaces for indentation with a passion.” Great arguments....

On the Usability of Codecademy

On the Usability of Codecademy: Usability is hard because real users use our UIs and software in different and unexpected ways. (Via Zen and the Art of Ruby Programming) Required reading for people who...

Trust is fragile – (37signals)

Trust is fragile – (37signals): So let’s start with first things first: We’re sorry. We made a mistake. We should have thought it through and remembered that storing your data with someone else in...

Immobile Apps

Immobile Apps: One of the most painful things we did when developing Glassboard was ban ourselves from Wi-Fi for a week. I live in an area where cell coverage is really spotty, and using...

Kindle Fire Does Not Fire the Imagination

Kindle Fire Does Not Fire the Imagination: The Kindle software itself is a lousy reading experience; the justified, un-hyphenated typography is an eyesore, the font selection is depressingly homely, and the line-spacing is visually...

Beginning OS X Lion Apps Development

The writing, editing, and reviewing are done, and Beginning OS X Lion Apps Development is set to go to press. The publication date is listed as November 9 on both the Apress site and...