Category: Software

Restricting ripgrep to certain file types

I’ve been using ripgrep to search files for awhile, but I hadn’t figured out how to recursively search only certain file types. Anytime I needed to search, say, for any occurrence of “doFoo” in Go...

Clojure, Emacs, and Evil Mode

I work with one of those functional language kooks who end every thought with “Haskell,” use xmonad or Ratpoison while scoffing at GUIs, and edit everything, even selfies, in Emacs. Serendipitously, he just walked by, read...

Recovering My MacVim

Although I usually edit files with (graphical) MacVim, I occasionally launch terminal vim. When I do, I see this: github-issues.vim requires Python support, sorry :c I always smile a bit at my nephew’s use...

Setting Up My New MacBook Pro

I just bought a new MacBook Pro to replace my mid-2010 MBP. This is my first retina laptop, and it’s beautiful. I’d been waffling for awhile, but I’m glad I took the plunge. I...