Category: Mac

Application Idea: Virtualize Cloud Storage

I have a Dropbox Pro account with 107.5GB of storage, an iCloud account with 15GB of storage, and free accounts with Box (50GB), SpiderOak (2GB), GDrive (5GB), SkyDrive (7GB), ASUS WebStorage (8.5GB), Cubby (5GB),...

Mac Bundle Season

I know of four Mac OS X software bundles on sale right now: MacUpdate ($49.99) Parallels Desktop 7 BusyCal ScreenFlow 3 Civilization V Jaksta Espionage 3 Speed Download 5 Attachment Tamer 3 KeyCue 6...

iPhoto iPad tooltips PSD

iPhoto iPad tooltips PSD: Since Apple’s designs tend to heavily influence third-party apps (just as their hardware tends to be copied wholesale by Samsung and HP) (Via Matt Legend Gemmell) Gemmell offers a free...

XVim — Vim in Xcode

XVim: I work as a freelance Objective-C developer (amongst other things), so I find myself butting heads with Xcode on a regular basis. Recent releases have integrated several separate applications that betrayed Mac OS’s...

Three Things That Should Trouble Apple

Three Things That Should Trouble Apple: It’s a tag team wedgie patrol. (Via Daring Fireball) Great line. I would add a fourth: with their continued emphasis on iOS-ifying Mac OS X, the end of...