Closed for Business
Closed for Business: A price-tag of one dollar is passive smoking. You’re killing people around you, for your own short-term benefit. (Via Matt Legend Gemmell) Love that line. App store bonanzas are rare, and...
Closed for Business: A price-tag of one dollar is passive smoking. You’re killing people around you, for your own short-term benefit. (Via Matt Legend Gemmell) Love that line. App store bonanzas are rare, and...
Google snatches up Sparrow team to work on Gmail | Internet & Media – CNET News: “Leca says that the company will continue to make Sparrow available, and keep it up and running with...
A future full-time job: Realistically, nobody has job security. It’s a myth. Even CEOs don’t have job security (see HP or eBay), except Steve Ballmer, who seems curiously immune to losing his job. (Via...
Software Inventory: Every product attracts new feature ideas, and you can’t implement ideas as fast as you can think them up, so you write them down, and this list is called the feature backlog....
Apple is Limiting the New Google Chrome for iOS. – (by @baekdal): Apple wants control and force people to create native apps, and are thus limiting the performance of web apps in third party...
The Case For A 7″ iPod: The more I think about it, the more I think these rumors are right, but we’ve all been interpreting them the wrong way. The new 7″ iOS device...
XVim: I work as a freelance Objective-C developer (amongst other things), so I find myself butting heads with Xcode on a regular basis. Recent releases have integrated several separate applications that betrayed Mac OS’s...
A Kickstarter project that caused buzz amongst developers is Light Table, a development IDE that aims to fundamentally shift how we build software. As of right now, it has 5,726 backers (including me) and...
Three Things That Should Trouble Apple: It’s a tag team wedgie patrol. (Via Daring Fireball) Great line. I would add a fourth: with their continued emphasis on iOS-ifying Mac OS X, the end of...
With advance hype rivaling Diablo III’s, Panic has released the second version of their web development tool, Coda. It’s now on sale, as of this morning, for $49 — a 50% savings that’s good...
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