Category: Development

The Imperfect Craft |

The Imperfect Craft | “I’ve seen what happens to people who cling to outdated standards of craftsmanship: they become self-righteous, bitter, and delusional. Guided only by the hallowed rules of yesteryear’s geniuses, they...

CodeFest 2013

Last Friday, the operations and infrastructure folks where I work were swinging the non-production environments to a new datacenter. The development managers decided to use this opportunity to challenge the developers to a “codefest”–a...

LessConf is Dead, Long Live LessConf!

Today begins the last day of the last LessConf. Ever. And we mourn her passing. Although Steve and Allan, Lords of LessConf, have stated clearly that 2013 marks the last LessConf, they haven’t explained...

iPhone 6 –

iPhone 6 – “They could release a revolutionary 60-inch 4K TV for $99 with built-in nanobots to assemble and dispense free smartwatches, and people would complain that it should cost $49 and the...