The Ultimate Linux Developer Desktop 2020
Excuse the hyperbolic title. That’s what I googled when doing my research. My goal: build a blazing machine for developing software using: JavaScript / Node Go Rust Python AWS My late-2013 MacBook Pro is...
Excuse the hyperbolic title. That’s what I googled when doing my research. My goal: build a blazing machine for developing software using: JavaScript / Node Go Rust Python AWS My late-2013 MacBook Pro is...
I’ve been working with a lot of ANSI X12 files lately. Often, they come to me formatted either as a single line, or as multiple lines with line breaks at 80 columns. They’re much...
I can be easily distracted. Lately, I’ve been working on a new blog of sorts, but instead of technical stuff, this blog will focus on writings about life. I think. I’m almost 10,000 words...
Go 1.12 was released three days ago (Feb 25, 2019). I upgraded my personal MacBook Pro, which runs Mojave, with: The upgrade failed with the error: The upgrade ran fine. Then, I tried to...
Development / Go / Software
by Rob Warner · Published February 13, 2019 · Last modified August 2, 2021
A recent Jira ticket instructed me to make a call from one of my Go services to another group’s service. I’d perform a PUT to a specific URL to create a service provider in...
As the NERDTree README points out, you can automatically close Vim if NERDTree is the only open window by adding this to your configuration: autocmd bufenter * if (winnr(“$”) == 1 && exists(“b:NERDTree”) &&...
Last August, I spoke at Code on the Beach on building microservices in Go using Go kit. Here’s the video: The repo I used is available at and the Node CLI is available...
A frequent GraphQL question is how to return all fields in a GraphQL query without specifying them all; see here or here or here. The conversation typically goes like this: Q: “How can I...
I’ve been using ripgrep to search files for awhile, but I hadn’t figured out how to recursively search only certain file types. Anytime I needed to search, say, for any occurrence of “doFoo” in Go...
I’ve been developing some GraphQL services lately. Since I use Neovim (and fzf) for editing, I wanted Ctags support for my schema files. Here’s what I came up with: I’d love feedback — thanks!
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