Supercharging asdf with FZF
Update (August 12, 2022): Just noticed this commit that changes the output format for the current version in asdf list — updated accordingly. Update (August 11, 2022): I’ve added more intelligent version sorting and...
Development / Go / Java / Linux / Mac / Software
by Rob Warner · Published June 10, 2022 · Last modified August 12, 2022
Update (August 12, 2022): Just noticed this commit that changes the output format for the current version in asdf list — updated accordingly. Update (August 11, 2022): I’ve added more intelligent version sorting and...
In my forays with Deequ, I found myself frequently inserting UUIDs into test JSON files. Although Online UUID Generator worked for this purpose, copy-pasta between browser and editor started to feel clunky. Time to...
Development / Grails / Groovy / Java / Linux / Mac / Software
by Rob Warner · Published April 3, 2021 · Last modified July 1, 2021
The bang in the subject belongs to SDKMAN!, not me. It’s a tool for managing versions of various Java-world tools. Think nvm for Java, Maven, Groovy, et al. I’ve been back in Java world...
I’m in the process of migrating an existing set of markdown documents to an internal Docusaurus blog. The markdown-to-html rendering with Docusaurus has proved decidedly less forgiving than our existing renderer, so I’ve been...
I’ve been working with Lambda@Edge a lot lately. Throwing compute to the edge of a CloudFront distribution is handy for things like authorizing requests. Development can be frustrating, however, with slow turnaround times for...
Once you discover fzf, you want to use it everywhere. It’s clean, powerful, and versatile. In this post, I show you how to use fzf to display the contents of a file in S3....
I’ll confess: I use a GUI for Git. Not always, and not even most of the time. The CLI is usually quicker, and I’m usually in the terminal anyway, but yet I also use...
While addressing some linter issues today, I couldn’t figure out how to destructure from a JavaScript object while: Renaming a field and Destructuring nested fields from that same field Renaming, I could do. Nested...
AWS / Development / DevOps / Software
by Rob Warner · Published April 19, 2020 · Last modified October 12, 2021
Edit: Oct 12, 2021 Please note the comment by Chris Harrison, below, regarding a breaking change with lists vs sets. Original Start: I’ve lately used Terraform to set up several domains in Route 53....
If you read through to the end of my The Ultimate Linux Developer Desktop 2020 post, instead of just copying the PCPartPicker list, you saw that I couldn’t get my CPU Cooler to light...
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