Category: Development

An Event Apart Atlanta

A few weeks ago, my boss sent me an email that said: Is this something you would want to attend? I clicked the link, saw the speaker panel, leapt through the question’s ambiguity,...

Homework by Challenge

Developers love challenges, whether they be programming puzzles, word puzzles, or any other conundrum that flexes their minds and proves how smart they are — whether to others or simply to themselves. The quickest...

Why I’ll Never Miss LessConf

How’d you spend your weekend? Did you mow your lawn? Do your laundry? Sleep late, watch TV, or catch a movie? Yeah? Well, I went to LessConf 2011 and got inspired, and now I’m...

Pro Core Data for iOS Table of Contents

I just saw this tweet from @compoundj: I want 2 buy “Pro core data for iOS” by @michaelprivat & @hoop33, but I can’t find the table of contents online…any suggestions? Whoops. I checked both...

Tri-state buttons in Gowalla 3

When Gowalla released version 3 of their iPhone client, they completely revamped the user interface. Although they switched from a rich olive green to a stony gray and downgraded the app’s icon: Old Icon...