Setting Up My New MacBook Pro
I just bought a new MacBook Pro to replace my mid-2010 MBP. This is my first retina laptop, and it’s beautiful. I’d been waffling for awhile, but I’m glad I took the plunge.
I briefly considered transferring all my stuff over from the old MBP, but I figured it was time to start clean. I use my laptop primarily for development (Objective-C, Java, Ruby, Clojure, JavaScript, Web, . . .), writing, and a little bit of graphics work. Here’s what I did after walking through the setup wizard:
- Go to the App Store and install all updates
- Set the hostname (System Preferences > Sharing > Computer Name) to “Truth” — homage to Paul Pierce
- Install Chrome Dev Channel
- Install Xcode from App Store
- Install Dropbox and let it sync
- Set up links to config files:
- ~/.bashrc -> ~/Dropbox/config/.bashrc
- ~/.bashrc.local -> ~/Dropbox/config/.bashrc.local
- ~/.vim -> ~/Dropbox/config/.vim
- ~/.vimrc -> ~/Dropbox/config/.vimrc
- ~/.vimrc.local -> ~/Dropbox/config/.vimrc.local
- ~/.vimbundles -> ~/Dropbox/config/.vimbundles
- ~/.gitconfig -> ~/Dropbox/config/.gitconfig
- ~/bin -> ~/Dropbox/config/bin
- ~/.atom -> ~/Dropbox/config/.atom
- ~/.lighttable -> ~/Dropbox/config/.lighttable
- ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages -> ~/Dropbox/config/st3/Installed Packages
- ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages -> ~/Dropbox/config/st3/Packages
- ~/Library/Application Support/Brackets -> ~/Dropbox/config/Brackets
- From command line: echo ‘. “$HOME/.bashrc”‘ > ~/.bash_profile
- From command line: defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- Change Caps Lock to Control
- Set Key Repeat Rate to Fast (slider all the way to right) and Delay Until Repeat to Short (slider all the way to right)
- Turn on display of ~/Library (open home in Finder, Cmd+J, check Show Library Folder)
- Install Homebrew and packages:
- macvim (editor)
- git (source control)
- hub (source control for working with Github)
- leiningen (Clojure project manager)
- node (JavaScript development framework)
- wry ( command-line client)
- mongodb (NoSQL database)
- tig (text-mode git interface)
- mysql (RDBMS)
- tmux (terminal multiplexer)
- elixir (Erlang-based language)
- ctags (tag generator)
- markdown (markup language)
- Install Homebrew Cask (thanks, @pittman!) and apps:
- tower (source control)
- evernote (note taker/junk drawer)
- appcode (Objective-C IDE)
- webstorm (JavaScript IDE)
- rubymine (Ruby/Rails IDE)
- marked (markdown viewer)
- path-finder (finder alternative)
- iterm2 (terminal alternative)
- kaleidoscope (diff viewer)
- codekit (less/sass/coffeescript autocompiler)
- fluid (make apps from websites)
- firefox (web browser)
- brackets (editor geared toward Web development)
- kiwi ( client)
- copy (cloud storage)
- hazel (automation utility)
- bbedit (editor that can edit plist files)
- calibre (ebook reader)
- balsamiq-mockups (interface mockup application)
- sizeup (window manager)
- alfred (launcher)
- lighttable (Clojure IDE)
- Install others:
- Java 7 & 8 (language)
- Ubuntu Mono font (my current favorite programming font)
- rvm (Ruby version manager) and latest ruby
- safe (password management utility — gem install safe)
- Atom (editor)
- Sublime Text 3 (editor)
- Eclipse (Java IDE)
- viPlugin (Eclipse vi plugin)
- meteor (JavaScript framework)
- Macaw (Web development tool)
- Photoshop (graphics editor)
- MS Office (productivity suite)
- Google Drive (cloud storage)
- Box Sync (cloud storage)
- Snapz Pro X (screenshots)
- Install App Store apps:
- Caffeine (prevent mac from sleeping)
- Archy (Google Docs management)
- Oyster (regex IDE)
- Paprika (recipe manager)
- Dash (documentation viewer)
- Unclutter (scratchpad/clipboard viewer)
- Glui (screenshots)
- Skitch (screenshots)
- Pixelmator (graphics editor)
- Sketch (vector graphics editor)
- CodeRunner (run code)
- Patterns (regex editor)
- Twitterrific (Twitter client)
- Requester (HTTP client)
- Todo (task manager)
- MarsEdit (blog editor)
- Base (SQLite client)
- OneDrive (cloud storage)
- OneNote (note manager)
- xScope (screen measurement utility)
Whew! That’s a lot of stuff, but I installed only the stuff I use (well, except for OneNote—I’m going to give that a whirl). That’s an awful lot of text editors, I know, but I hate to miss out. I left a lot of stuff out, too. Let’s see how long I go before I install something else!
EDIT: OK, so the nested lists look terrible, so I changed the nested ones to ordered. I also added xScope, which I had already installed but somehow missed on the list. I also noted that I had changed Caps Lock to Control and changed Key Repeat Rate and Delay Until Repeat.
This is great. I will likely be replacing my “early ’08” MBP this year and will keep this post handy.