Make Diffs Readable
Every time I look at a diff, I’m reminded of the gulf between me and Linus Torvalds. I just know he’s fluent in Finnish, English, and diff, but me? I know the diff syntax....
Every time I look at a diff, I’m reminded of the gulf between me and Linus Torvalds. I just know he’s fluent in Finnish, English, and diff, but me? I know the diff syntax....
Today’s MacZot is Guiffy SureMerge, a three-way diff/merge tool. It’s discounted 49% today only ($30 vs $59), and the Guiffy website says a license allows you to use the product on all supported platforms...
I’m a software developer, so bear in mind that my Mac is for working and coding (mostly Objective-C, Java, and Ruby). You won’t find apps for ripping DVDs, viewing videos, or playing Canasta. These...
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