Grailbox Blog

Editing Markdown in Zed

I’ve been cheating on Neovim lately. I’m playing around with Zed (in vim mode, naturally). Zed’s default settings allow Markdown editing just fine, of course. Markdown is just text, after all. I don’t want...

Flipping a Rusty Coin

Recently, my boss asked me for a server capacity planning model. This was a new ask for me. I can launch Excel with the best of ‘em: fire up Alfred and type “ex<enter>”. I...

Zellij Logo

Autostart Zellij in Nushell

Cool kids multiplex with Zellij. Data engineers shred data with Nushell. Let’s make them work better together. Let’s autostart Zellij when our terminal and shell start. The Zellij documentation provides instructions for making Zellij...